INSPIRE magazine

Calling contributors!

Have you got an interesting research story or discovery you’d like to share with the health and medical research sector?
Would you like to profile how a donation or funding has made a difference to your research?

What we need:

  • Article abstract – 100 words maximum to be submitted on or before the abstract deadline
  • Full article 700 – 800 words maximum to be submitted on or before the article deadline and includes the following:
    • In MS Word format
    • Article must be proof read before submission to Research Australia
    • engaging headline
    • subheading (55 words maximum)
    • information about the author (lead/co/collaborator).
    • Please provide this information at the end of your article
      • URLs to link to further information
      • 1 high resolution, 300 dpi large format image that represents your story (Please indicate your approval for the image to be used on other mediums.)
      • Please send high resolution files via Dropbox or We transfer
      • Image caption: who, where etc.

To contribute to INSPIRE Magazine, your organisation must be a registered Research Australia Member.

We reserve the right to request edits to meet the requirements of Research Australia’s INSPIRE publication.

Submit your full article in MS Word format and email with images to  If you don’t have images we are able to source them for you to suit the content of your article.  We can also receive extremely high resolution images via Dropbox or We transfer.

Publishing Deadlines

INSPIRE magazine is a quarterly digital publication, see below the article submission deadlines for each issue for 2024. While articles consistent with each theme are preferred, articles on other topics may be accepted.

ISSUE Abstracts Due Final Article Due Published Month
Issue 31 19 February 20 March APRIL
Theme Climate Change Edition – Looking at Innovation in HMR with respect to our changing climate.
Issue 32 20 May 19 June JULY
Theme Aging Edition – Exploring HMR in all areas of aging – from healthy aging to designing aged care for the future.
Issue 33 19 July 21 August SEPTEMBER
Theme Disability Edition – Exploring HMR in all areas of disability.
Issue 34 18 October 15 November DECEMBER
Theme Prevention Themed Issue – Exploring HMR to prevent and control lifestyle related and non-lifestyle related diseases and conditions.