Vice President
CSL Research Bio21.

Michael Wilson, BSc (Hons), PhD, MBA is Vice President, Head of CSL Research at the Bio21 Institute, CSL’s hub of early-stage research and translational science. Michael and is an Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne.

Michael completed his PhD at the University of Melbourne in 1995 focusing on recombinant vaccines before moving to the UK in 1996, where he researched the genetics and function of immune cell receptors at Cancer Research UK and subsequently at the University of Cambridge. Michael completed his MBA whist in the UK at the University of Warwick.

In 2001, Michael joined GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) leading a team with a primary focus on autoimmune diseases including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

In 2008, he joined CSL Limited as the Head of Molecular Biology within CSL Research before taking the position of Vice President, Head of CSL Research at Bio21 Institute. Michael leads a team which focuses on the discovery and development of new protein, cell and gene-based medicines to treat serious human disease.

Dr Michael Wilson tweets as @ResAustralia