Research Australia were please to submit a response to the National Health and Medical Research Strategy Survey. The National Health and Medical Research Strategy offers a timely, much needed, and unique opportunity to reform and reimagine a whole of system that sets up a future Australia. One that is responsive, affordable, and sustainable. Research Australia has advocated for the Strategy since 2021, and we are committed to its success.
According to Research Australia, the National Health and Medical Research Strategy must
- Be developed by the sector for the sector;
- Be led by a long-term vision and a theory of change;
- Facilitate coordinated, sustainable investment in research;
- Strengthen the connection between research and healthcare;
- Support emerging innovative health industries;
- Embed collaboration across the sector through leadership, governance and systems; and
- Ensure accountability through embedding monitoring and evaluation of measures of success
Research Australia recommends and welcomes the opportunity to contribute to:
- The development of a long-term vision supported by a Theory of Change for the sector, across the whole pipeline;
- Identification of interconnected Priority Reforms with key action areas to enable systemic reform;
- Identification of leadership and governance structures in partnership with the sector to ensure accountability during the implementation of the Strategy;
- Identification of accountable and transparent processes to identify research priorities;
- Development of a Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation Framework with outcome measures defined jointly by the sector and government; and
- Alignment with other relevant reforms, frameworks and policy agendas at a Commonwealth and jurisdictional level
Read our submission here.