National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

A National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions is being developed by the Department of Health as the overarching policy for the prevention and management of chronic conditions in Australia. It provides guidance for the development and implementation of policies, strategies, actions and services to address chronic conditions and improve health outcomes.

The second draft of the Framework, released for comment in May 2016, identifies research as one of the six enablers of the Framework. Research Australia’s submission supported research as an enabler of the Framework and made specific submissions about the role research can play in supporting the objectives of the Framework.

National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards Nominations Now Open!

Media Release: Tuesday 28 June 2016

The Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards: Nominations open for fresh faces, experienced hands and every health and medical researcher in between

Applications opened today for the Research Australia Awards, recognising contributions in everything from cutting edge research through to advocacy, and philanthropic work.

In a field dedicated to improving the lives of Australians, the Research Australia Awards are an opportunity to celebrate those who make life-changing advances possible.

“There are so many extraordinary people in this sector who are deserving of recognition, and we are calling for them to nominate themselves and their colleagues,” said CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin.

“The Awards are the health and medical research industry’s night of nights – they are the opportunity for the best and brightest in the industry to recognise each other’s achievements.

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Medical Research Future Fund at Risk Without Multi-Party Commitment

Media Release: Monday 27 June 2016

An alliance of 160 health and medical research organisations has warned that without a multi-party commitment, the ground-breaking Medical Research Future Fund risks being dead on arrival.

“When medical researchers, albeit half-jokingly, talk of leaving their labs and taking to the streets, you know something has gone awry with public policy,” said Research Australia CEO, Nadia Levin.

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Nanoscience Facility is a $150M Investment in Australian Ingenuity

Media Release: Tuesday 3 May 2016

Recently the University of Sydney officially opened the Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology.

Nadia Levin is CEO of Research Australia, the peak group representing 160 members advocating for health and medical research in Australia. In response to requests for comment, she said:

“In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore correctly predicted exponential growth in computing technology, with computer power to double in capacity, and halve in price, every two years.

“Common computers since that time have gone from the size of houses to rooms to watches and beyond, and their capabilities today are at levels considered sci-fi even at the turn of this century.

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Federal Budget a Combination of Treatments, Placebos and Nocebos for Health and Medical Research

Media Release: Wednesday 4 May 2016

Research Australia, which represents 160 health and medical research organisations, has described last night’s budget as mixed bag – with some wins, some losses and some more detail required.

“The Federal Government is making all of the right noises when it comes to innovation, health and research, and it is pleasing that they remain on the agenda,” said CEO Nadia Levin.

“The budget would be described by my members as a combination of ‘treatments, placebos and nocebos’, and the challenge for government is to back it up with funding.”

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grassROOTS Magazine

Autumn 2016 Issue Out Now!

Welcome to the Autumn issue of Research Australia’s grassROOTS magazine.  Activity in our sector has been at fever pitch for a while now and there have been some good outcomes. The National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA) was announced by the Prime Minister in early December. Research Australia welcomes this clear focus by our Government on science and innovation as essential to Australia’s future and there is no doubt that health and medical research has an important role to play.

This agenda reconfirmed the importance of the Medical Research Future Fund, it has enabled the set up of a biomedical translation fund to quickly address the funding gap for mid to later stage clinical research and development, and it is also focused on developing a new plan for research infrastructure and championing the importance of STEM subjects such as maths and science, in our education system.

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R&D Tax Incentive Review

As part of the National Innovation & Science Agenda, the Government has commissioned Innovation and Science Australia to undertake a review of the R&D Tax Incentive.

While Research Australia proposed some possible minor amendments to the R&D Tax Incentive, we argued that on the whole the R&D Tax Incentive is already performing well against the Review’s criteria of effectiveness, integrity and encouraging additional R&D. Any changes to the R&D Tax Incentive at this point in time should be limited to improving the way it is administered.

R&D Tax Incentive Review

Tax Incentives for early stage investors

As part of the National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA) Treasury has undertaken a consultation on an initiative to provide tax incentives for early stage investors in innovative companies. Research Australia’s submission supports the proposal and suggests some amendments to improve its operation and reduce red tape. These include making registration for the R&D Tax incentive a qualifying condition for treating a company as an ‘innovation company’ in respect of which the tax incentive can apply, and allowing the tax incentive to be available to ‘retail’ investors. The tax incentive has the potential to increase the capital available to early stage innovative companies, including those seeking to commercialise new medicines, devices and therapies.

Tax Incentives for early stage investors

Proposed reduction in Minimum Distributions for Ancillary Funds opposed

Private and Public Ancillary Funds allow individuals and organisations to create trusts that can receive tax deductible donations and then distribute these amounts to charities in later years. The Treasury proposed allowing Ancillary Funds to reduce the amount they must distribute to charities each year, and to link this amount to their investment returns. Health and Medical Research is a recipient of funds from Ancillary Funds.

Research Australia has opposed the changes because linking the funds to economic conditions and investment market performance could reduce the amount of funds made available and lead to greater year-to year-variation in distributions

Reduction in Minimum Distributions for Ancillary Funds