Research Australia’s submission in response the draft Fifth National Mental Health Plan highlighted the Plan’s failure to include health and medical research.
Research Australia was concerned that the Fifth Plan was a missed opportunity to make better use of Australia’s significant capacity in health and medical research to help deliver the Plan’s vision of healthier Australians, faster and more complete recoveries from mental illness and more responsive and effective services.
The draft Fifth Plan called for significant reform and innovation in the way we deliver mental health services in Australia, and the health and medical research sector is well placed to help inform, design, implement and evaluate these reforms. Research Australia believes the Fifth Plan provides an opportunity to improve the integration of the mental health system with the health and medical research sector, and to better utilise and direct research towards the Plan’s priorities. Our submission highlighted some of the many ways in which health and medical research can contribute. Submission for 5th Mental Health Plan
Following Research Australia’s submission, the Fifth National Mental Helath Plan as finalised and endorsed by COAG, identifies research as a key enabler of the Plan and achieving its objectives and commits to a number of specific research related actions. The Final Plan is available here.