INSPIRE Magazine

In this 31st issue of INSPIRE, we explore the incredible work you are undertaking in the health and medical research arena with respect to our changing climate. You share with us the innovative work you are doing and the breakthroughs you are achieving in regard to climate change.

Read about first University Roundtable for 2024, which was generously hosted by the La Trobe University at their Melbourne Bundoora campus. We were inspired by the cutting edge technology that we interacted with at the Digital Innovation Hub.

We are delighted to introduce CQ University, OCRF and Shake It Up Foundation as three new members to the vibrant Research Australia alliance.

Our special thanks go to all our contributors to this issue:

Australian National University (ANU), Bond University, CQUniversity, Curtin University, Griffith University, Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI), Macquarie University, National Centre for Farmer Health, Red Cross Lifeblood, Telethon Kids InstituteThe Children’s Hospital Westmead, The George Institute, The University of Western AustraliaUniversity of New South WalesUniversity of Queensland,  University of Technology Sydney and Western Sydney University.

We also wish to say a special thank you to Professor Steve Wesselingh, Chief Executive Officer of The National Health and Medical Research Council, for his contribution to this edition by writing his thoughts about the important role of health and medical research for addressing the challenges posed by our rapidly changing climate in The Last Word.

Thank you to the members who shared their health and medical research work with us in this issue. We constantly use INSPIRE as a showcase; your stories are evidence of the vibrant and exceptional health and medical research and innovation community we are so lucky to have in Australia!

Please read and share widely, including outside of your professional networks, not only to give these incredible organisations the profile they deserve for the amazing work they are doing, but also to be part of raising health literacy of the broader community.

Enjoy reading this edition of INSPIRE.

The schedule for upcoming editions of INSPIRE and information about how to contribute an article is available here.

More information

The schedule for upcoming editions of INSPIRE and information about how to contribute an article is available here.