Influencing and collaborating – these clinicians lead research to deliver better outcomes

Thank you to all those that nominated their heroes for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations and the stories are amazing. We look forward to sharing some of them with you.

The Health Services Research Award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to health services research, provided leadership in health services research, undertaken research that has led to a significant improvement in healthcare, or championed the development of the health services research field. Which of these amazing people below will join the ranks of the prestigious Health Services Research Award alumni including: Prof Robert Sanson-Fisher AO and Prof Jeffrey Braithwaite

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New poll with new message for new Government: Australians want to see medical research prioritised and medical breakthroughs a reality

Media Release: Monday 5 September 2016

A new poll released has revealed 87 per cent of Australians support the Federal Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

The Roy Morgan Research poll conducted for Research Australia, also shows 78 per cent of Australians believe the MRFF will lead to better health outcomes.

“It is clear there is significant support for the Medical Research Future Fund and Australians want to see it become a reality,” said CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin.

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Early career researchers make their mark with high impact work

Nominations for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards are now closed and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that nominated their heroes. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations for the Awards and the stories are amazing. We look forward to sharing some of them with you.

We start with a small selection of nominations for the Griffith University Discovery Award. This Award recognises an early career researcher (anytime from qualification but no more than 5 years past PhD or research higher degree) whose paper, patent or discovery has already demonstrated its importance or impact.  Which of these amazing people below will join the ranks of the prestigious Discovery Award alumni including: Dr Jeff Holst, Dr Sarah Whittle, Dr Mark S Pearson, Dr Oliver Baumann, Dr Motoko Koyama, Dr Franziska Bieri, Dr Genevieve Healy and Dr Andrew Gardner.

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$1.277 billion transfer for Medical Research Future Fund: Australian Government puts innovation money where its mouth is

Media Release: Friday 26 August 2016

Australian health and medical researchers have welcomed a significant step to secure Australia’s health and medical research future.

The transfer of $1.277 billion to the Medical Research Future Fund Special Account is being read by the sector as words in action.

“This is Prime Minister Turnbull and Health Minister Ley doing exactly what they said they would do – build our health system and build an innovation nation,” said CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin.

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Congratulations Peter Wills AC, new Chair of Australia’s $500M Biomedical Translation Fund

Media Release: Wednesday 3 August 2016

The Biomedical Translation Fund is one of Australia’s best hopes to bridge the “Valley of Death” between medical research and commercialisation or clinical practice.

The Federal Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Greg Hunt, today announced that the founder of Research Australia, Peter Wills AC, will chair the new Biomedical Translation Fund.

“Peter Wills AC is a great choice to champion the multi-million dollar Biomedical Translation Fund,” said CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin.

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Pokémon Go could hold key to better research, healthier Australia

Media Release: Monday 18 July 2016

Data from a forthcoming poll from Research Australia, an alliance of health and medical researchers, shows nearly one in five Australians use an activity tracking device daily or nearly daily.

Of the people who use activity trackers, three-quarters are prepared to share that data, on the proviso that it is anonymously used for health and medical research.

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National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

A National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions is being developed by the Department of Health as the overarching policy for the prevention and management of chronic conditions in Australia. It provides guidance for the development and implementation of policies, strategies, actions and services to address chronic conditions and improve health outcomes.

The second draft of the Framework, released for comment in May 2016, identifies research as one of the six enablers of the Framework. Research Australia’s submission supported research as an enabler of the Framework and made specific submissions about the role research can play in supporting the objectives of the Framework.

National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards Nominations Now Open!

Media Release: Tuesday 28 June 2016

The Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards: Nominations open for fresh faces, experienced hands and every health and medical researcher in between

Applications opened today for the Research Australia Awards, recognising contributions in everything from cutting edge research through to advocacy, and philanthropic work.

In a field dedicated to improving the lives of Australians, the Research Australia Awards are an opportunity to celebrate those who make life-changing advances possible.

“There are so many extraordinary people in this sector who are deserving of recognition, and we are calling for them to nominate themselves and their colleagues,” said CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin.

“The Awards are the health and medical research industry’s night of nights – they are the opportunity for the best and brightest in the industry to recognise each other’s achievements.

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Medical Research Future Fund at Risk Without Multi-Party Commitment

Media Release: Monday 27 June 2016

An alliance of 160 health and medical research organisations has warned that without a multi-party commitment, the ground-breaking Medical Research Future Fund risks being dead on arrival.

“When medical researchers, albeit half-jokingly, talk of leaving their labs and taking to the streets, you know something has gone awry with public policy,” said Research Australia CEO, Nadia Levin.

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GSK Award for Research Excellence open for nominations

36th year of prestigious $80,000 research grant

Nominations for GSK’s Award for Research Excellence (ARE) are now open until 4 July. The longstanding award seeks to assist Australian research heroes by providing the winner with an $80,000 grant to support their research journey.

The GSK Award for Research Excellence is one of the most prestigious available to the Australian medical research community. It has been awarded since 1980 to recognise outstanding achievements in medical research and facilities career development with potential importance to human health and Australian research.

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