New poll with new message for new Government: Australians want to see medical research prioritised and medical breakthroughs a reality

Media Release: Monday 5 September 2016

A new poll released has revealed 87 per cent of Australians support the Federal Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

The Roy Morgan Research poll conducted for Research Australia, also shows 78 per cent of Australians believe the MRFF will lead to better health outcomes.

“It is clear there is significant support for the Medical Research Future Fund and Australians want to see it become a reality,” said CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin.

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$1.277 billion transfer for Medical Research Future Fund: Australian Government puts innovation money where its mouth is

Media Release: Friday 26 August 2016

Australian health and medical researchers have welcomed a significant step to secure Australia’s health and medical research future.

The transfer of $1.277 billion to the Medical Research Future Fund Special Account is being read by the sector as words in action.

“This is Prime Minister Turnbull and Health Minister Ley doing exactly what they said they would do – build our health system and build an innovation nation,” said CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin.

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Medical Research Future Fund at Risk Without Multi-Party Commitment

Media Release: Monday 27 June 2016

An alliance of 160 health and medical research organisations has warned that without a multi-party commitment, the ground-breaking Medical Research Future Fund risks being dead on arrival.

“When medical researchers, albeit half-jokingly, talk of leaving their labs and taking to the streets, you know something has gone awry with public policy,” said Research Australia CEO, Nadia Levin.

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Consultation on MRFF Strategy and Priorities

The initial phase of the MRFF Advisory Board’s consultation on the Strategy and Priorities closed on 6 June 2016.

 Research Australia drew on the extensive consultation process we undertook with our broad membership and alliance partners to respond to the consultation. We provided a submission in response to the Strategy and seven specific proposals in relation to Priorities for the MRFF. Lodged as eight separate submissions, they have been collated in a single document.

R A submissions to MRFF Consultations on Strategy and Priorities


New expert report to guide Medical Research Future Fund

Media Release: Monday 6 June, 2016

A new report from the health and medical sector says the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) needs to prioritise closing gaps between health research, health practice and the health economy.

Translating Research for a sustainable future comprehensively brings together the positions of 160 of Australia’s leading health and medical research organisations, companies and personnel.

The review, contributed to by prominent researchers, universities, and businesses in the field, outlines the sector’s view on priorities for the MRFF over the next two and five years.

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Medical Research Future Fund Strategies and Priorities – responding to the consultation

Research Australia Member Webinar: MRFF Strategies and Priorities – responding to the consultation

Download Presentation > MRFF Webinar Presentation

The MRFF provides a unique opportunity to transform Australian health and medical research and innovation.

The Health Minister has appointed an Advisory Board of eminent Australians to develop a five-year Strategy for the MRFF and the funding priorities for the first two years.

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Medical Research Future Fund consultations commence

The Australian Medical Research Advisory Board supporting the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) has announced the commencement of a two stage consultation process on the five-year Strategy and two-year Priorities. The first stage is a public call for submissions.

A consultation Paper and more information in relation to making a submission are available on the Department of Health website. Submissions close on 6 June 2016.  This will be followed by a second stage of targeted consultations to be held in July.

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Federal Budget a Combination of Treatments, Placebos and Nocebos for Health and Medical Research

Media Release: Wednesday 4 May 2016

Research Australia, which represents 160 health and medical research organisations, has described last night’s budget as mixed bag – with some wins, some losses and some more detail required.

“The Federal Government is making all of the right noises when it comes to innovation, health and research, and it is pleasing that they remain on the agenda,” said CEO Nadia Levin.

“The budget would be described by my members as a combination of ‘treatments, placebos and nocebos’, and the challenge for government is to back it up with funding.”

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Research Australia welcomes announcement of MRFF Advisory Board

Research Australia welcomes the news that the membership of the MRFF Advisory Board is to be announced today by the Health Minister, the Hon. Sussan Ley. The members are:

Professor Ian Frazer, AC (Chair)
Inaugural President of Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences
Former Director of the Translational Research Institute
Former Australian of the Year

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