Research Australia’s Annual Report
We are pleased to publish our 2024 Annual Report.
Research Australia is honoured to celebrate over 23 years as the peak body representing the entire Australian health and medical research (HMR) and innovation pipeline. We are proud of what we have achieved this year alongside our members and are pleased to share key highlights of Research Australia’s 2023–2024 activities across our policy, advocacy, and advisory-consulting arms.
Research Australia is committed to unlocking the full potential of Australia’s world-leading HMR sector to drive better health outcomes and global leadership in health innovation. Our work would not be possible without the support of our members, to whom we are immensely grateful. We extend our special thanks to Australian Catholic University, the Perron Institute, and Calvary Healthcare for generously sharing some of their images we have featured in the report.
We appreciate all our members for embracing our vision and being part of our dynamic and influential alliance.
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