Tackling Mental Illness with R&R: Research and Recovery

Media Release: Monday 7 November 2016

Last month, the 300th life was changed thanks to an Australian-first program which takes students and people with a lived experience of mental illness on a life changing adventure.

Recovery Camp brings together future health practitioners and people with serious mental illnesses through an immersive and innovative program.

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The Inspirational Fight Against Drug-Resistant Infections

Media Release: 7 November, 2016

It’s a story you would expect to see in a science fiction movie, but the reality of drugresistant infections dramatically changed Matthew Ames’ life forever.

At just 39, Matthew’s sore throat – and its source, a streptococcal infection – led to a series of events that saw all four of his limbs being amputated in order to save his life.

His incredible advocacy work after beating the odds, and through his sharing of his story of recovery, has earned him a nomination for the 2016 Research Australia Advocacy Award.

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Brain vs The Bottle

Media Release: Thursday, 3 November 2016

Melbourne alcohol researcher Dr Michael Livingston has been nominated for Research Australia’s Griffith University Discovery Award for his work in alcohol policy, and the impact that he has had in changing ideas around drinking habits.

“Alcohol contributes to a whole suite of health and social problems in Australia, and working on ways to reduce these harms is incredibly motivating,” said Dr Michael Livingston.

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Corporate Giving That Goes Beyond The Dollar

Media Release: Monday, 31 October 2016

What started as a local fundraiser has turned into a company-wide campaign for the 140 year old Kimberly-Clark Australia, whose corporate giving has gone beyond a donation, and gone to the heart of what corporate giving can mean.

This has seen Kimberly-Clark nominated for the Research Australia Leadership in Corporate Giving Award, to recognise the contributions they have made to the Sanfilippo Children’s Foundation.

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Curing Cancer? There’s an app for that

Media Release: Friday 28 October 2016

Imagine being able to press fast-forward on efforts to cure cancer while you sleep. Seem
impossible? Well it’s not.

This ground-breaking idea has earned the creators of DreamLab a nomination for Research Australia’s newest award, the Data Innovation Award.

Vodafone Foundation’s DreamLab app uses the collective processing capacity of smartphones to crunch numbers and compare genetic profiles of tumours.

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Corporates with big hearts donate to support health and medical research

Thank you to all those that nominated their heroes for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations and the stories are amazing. We are enjoying sharing some of them with you.

Leadership in Corporate Giving Award recognises outstanding leadership by a corporation or business in giving to and supporting health and medical research. This is not necessarily about the actual amounts donated, rather it’s the relationship or partnership and commitment over time that is an important dimension of effective corporate giving. Which of these amazing people below will join the ranks of the prestigious Leadership in Corporate Giving Award alumni including: Channel Seven Perth, Coco’s Fresh Food Market Queensland, Estee Lauder, L.J. Hooker, Wesfarmers Ltd, Pfizer Australia, Macquarie Group Foundation, David Jones, Xstrata Coal, Rio Tinto, Bupa

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People care more about emergency room wait times than research right? Wrong. New research Australia poll

Media Release: Thursday 6 October 2016

For more than a century, standard care for heart attacks – one of the biggest causes of death in Australia – was the use of supplementary oxygen.

That was until recently, when Australian research demonstrated that in some cases, supplemental oxygen was actually causing harm – increasing heart injury, and dangerous cardiac rhythms.

Now, thanks to the widespread application of these results, the response to heart attacks has been drastically changed both here in Australia, and around the world.

Against the backdrop of examples like this, it’s unsurprising that a new poll has found some 88 per cent of people rate ‘research’ as the most important opportunity to improve our health system.

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Front row seat to health and medical research excellence – Tickets on sale now!

Media Release: Tuesday 4 October 2016

It’s time to celebrate some of Australia’s best, brightest and generous – join the prestigious 14th annual black tie event at the Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards, to be held at 7pm on Wednesday 16 November 2016.

The Award categories span from young researchers to philanthropy, to reflect the multitude of important roles and contributions, that all come together to make Australian health and medical research a powerful force.

CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin, said she is thrilled to invite members of the community to come together and congratulate the hard work of these inspiring individuals.

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Ordinary people doing extraordinary things – true advocacy!

Thank you to all those that nominated their heroes for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations and the stories are amazing. We look forward to sharing some of them with you.

The Advocacy Award recognises an Australian from the community, the media, or a celebrity who has raised community awareness about the benefits of health and medical research. Which of these amazing people below will join the ranks of the prestigious Advocacy Award alumni including: Dr James O Little AO, Professor Ian Hickie AM, Li Cunxin, Stephen R Leeder, Ita Buttrose AO, OBE, Mark Beretta, Karen Livingstone and Connie Johnson & Sam Johnson

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Big thinking for healthier futures – novel approaches to Data Innovation in HMR

Thank you to all those that nominated their heroes for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations and the stories are amazing. We look forward to sharing some of them with you.

Data Innovation in Health & Medical Research Award is presented to an individual or team that has developed the most innovative method of gathering, making available, processing or interpreting data in a way that advances health and medical research. Individuals and teams from all fields of health and medical research are eligible for nomination, not just those who specialise in the manipulation of data. Innovations that provide new methodologies for research or have increased the availability of data for research are encouraged. This new Award is being presented for the first time in 2016.

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