Public Sector Data Availability and Use

The Productivity Commission is undertaking an Inquiry into the availability and use of public data. Research Australia’s submission in response to the Issues Paper emphasises the importance of improved access to public data as a means of facilitating Australian health and medical research. It highlights the importance of linked datasets and identifies a number of cultural and legislative barriers to the greater use of data for research purposes. It also provides some case studies and makes some recommendations for improvement.

Data Availability and Use

National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

A National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions is being developed by the Department of Health as the overarching policy for the prevention and management of chronic conditions in Australia. It provides guidance for the development and implementation of policies, strategies, actions and services to address chronic conditions and improve health outcomes.

The second draft of the Framework, released for comment in May 2016, identifies research as one of the six enablers of the Framework. Research Australia’s submission supported research as an enabler of the Framework and made specific submissions about the role research can play in supporting the objectives of the Framework.

National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions

Consultation on MRFF Strategy and Priorities

The initial phase of the MRFF Advisory Board’s consultation on the Strategy and Priorities closed on 6 June 2016.

 Research Australia drew on the extensive consultation process we undertook with our broad membership and alliance partners to respond to the consultation. We provided a submission in response to the Strategy and seven specific proposals in relation to Priorities for the MRFF. Lodged as eight separate submissions, they have been collated in a single document.

R A submissions to MRFF Consultations on Strategy and Priorities


R&D Tax Incentive Review

As part of the National Innovation & Science Agenda, the Government has commissioned Innovation and Science Australia to undertake a review of the R&D Tax Incentive.

While Research Australia proposed some possible minor amendments to the R&D Tax Incentive, we argued that on the whole the R&D Tax Incentive is already performing well against the Review’s criteria of effectiveness, integrity and encouraging additional R&D. Any changes to the R&D Tax Incentive at this point in time should be limited to improving the way it is administered.

R&D Tax Incentive Review

Tax Incentives for early stage investors

As part of the National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA) Treasury has undertaken a consultation on an initiative to provide tax incentives for early stage investors in innovative companies. Research Australia’s submission supports the proposal and suggests some amendments to improve its operation and reduce red tape. These include making registration for the R&D Tax incentive a qualifying condition for treating a company as an ‘innovation company’ in respect of which the tax incentive can apply, and allowing the tax incentive to be available to ‘retail’ investors. The tax incentive has the potential to increase the capital available to early stage innovative companies, including those seeking to commercialise new medicines, devices and therapies.

Tax Incentives for early stage investors

Proposed reduction in Minimum Distributions for Ancillary Funds opposed

Private and Public Ancillary Funds allow individuals and organisations to create trusts that can receive tax deductible donations and then distribute these amounts to charities in later years. The Treasury proposed allowing Ancillary Funds to reduce the amount they must distribute to charities each year, and to link this amount to their investment returns. Health and Medical Research is a recipient of funds from Ancillary Funds.

Research Australia has opposed the changes because linking the funds to economic conditions and investment market performance could reduce the amount of funds made available and lead to greater year-to year-variation in distributions

Reduction in Minimum Distributions for Ancillary Funds

Pre Budget Submission 2016

Research Australia submission to the Treasurer in respect of preparations for the 2016 Budget acknowledges the importance of the Government’s focus on science and innovation to Australia’s future and makes a number of recommendations with the aim of improving supporting economic growth and developing a more innovative, safer, and efficient health system that delivers better quality care.

Pre Budget Submission 2016

Inquiry into Tax Deductibility

The House of Representatives Economics Committee invited Research Australia to make a submission to its inquiry into Tax Deductibility. The Inquiry’s terms of reference from the Treasurer are to investigate broadening the tax base and lowering the tax rate by identifying existing tax deductions that can be removed. Research Australia’s submission addressed the question of fairness when considering the removal of tax deductions that are of particular importance to some groups of taxpayers, and the use of deductions to provide incentives for particular expenditures. Research Australia’s submission focused on the tax deduction for self education expenses (important to the many researchers who are responsible for their own ongoing education) and the tax deductibility of donations to charities, including many not for profit health and medical research organisations.

Inquiry into Tax Deductibility

Health Data Sets – linkage and access

The Senate Select Committee into Health invited Research Australia to make a submission in relation to the linkage of and access to Commonwealth Health datasets for research purposes. The submission emphasised the importance of this data to research, and the potential it provides for better health outcomes and a safer, more effective and efficient health system. The submission made several recommendations to support the greater use of data, including the digital collection and storage of more data, recognising the use of health records for research purposes in governing legislation and building capacity in data management and data analysis.

Health Data Linkage and Access

Safety & Quality in Healthcare standards

The Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Healthcare issued new draft Safety & Quality in Healthcare Standards for consultation. Research Australia has made a submission emphasising the improvement in safety and quality that can be made through greater engagement by researchers with the healthcare sector, and proposing a number of ways in which the draft Standards could be modified to enhance and support this engagement.

Safety & Quality in Healthcare standards