11 September 2017
The Biomedical Translation Fund will fund three medical breakthroughs, as announced jointly by The Hon Greg Hunt MP, Health and Sports Minister and Senator The Hon Arthur Sinodinos, Minister for Industry, Innovation ad Science.
The investments are being made for the BTF by one of its three fund managers, BioScience Managers:
- $5 million in Rex Bionics to develop a hands-free robotic device to help people with severe
disability to walk, exercise and rehabilitate;
- $3.3 million to Saluda Medical for neuromodulation technologies for people suffering from
chronic back pain and other debilitating conditions;
- $5 million to CHARM Informatics for data aggregation and commercialisation services for
makers of ‘smart’ medical devices.
A joint venture between the Australian Government and private sector investors, further investments are yet to be made, with a total of $500 million available.
Read the full media release about the Biomedical Translation Fund.
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