Corporates with big hearts donate to support health and medical research

Thank you to all those that nominated their heroes for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations and the stories are amazing. We are enjoying sharing some of them with you.

Leadership in Corporate Giving Award recognises outstanding leadership by a corporation or business in giving to and supporting health and medical research. This is not necessarily about the actual amounts donated, rather it’s the relationship or partnership and commitment over time that is an important dimension of effective corporate giving. Which of these amazing people below will join the ranks of the prestigious Leadership in Corporate Giving Award alumni including: Channel Seven Perth, Coco’s Fresh Food Market Queensland, Estee Lauder, L.J. Hooker, Wesfarmers Ltd, Pfizer Australia, Macquarie Group Foundation, David Jones, Xstrata Coal, Rio Tinto, Bupa

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People care more about emergency room wait times than research right? Wrong. New research Australia poll

Media Release: Thursday 6 October 2016

For more than a century, standard care for heart attacks – one of the biggest causes of death in Australia – was the use of supplementary oxygen.

That was until recently, when Australian research demonstrated that in some cases, supplemental oxygen was actually causing harm – increasing heart injury, and dangerous cardiac rhythms.

Now, thanks to the widespread application of these results, the response to heart attacks has been drastically changed both here in Australia, and around the world.

Against the backdrop of examples like this, it’s unsurprising that a new poll has found some 88 per cent of people rate ‘research’ as the most important opportunity to improve our health system.

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Front row seat to health and medical research excellence – Tickets on sale now!

Media Release: Tuesday 4 October 2016

It’s time to celebrate some of Australia’s best, brightest and generous – join the prestigious 14th annual black tie event at the Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards, to be held at 7pm on Wednesday 16 November 2016.

The Award categories span from young researchers to philanthropy, to reflect the multitude of important roles and contributions, that all come together to make Australian health and medical research a powerful force.

CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin, said she is thrilled to invite members of the community to come together and congratulate the hard work of these inspiring individuals.

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Ordinary people doing extraordinary things – true advocacy!

Thank you to all those that nominated their heroes for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations and the stories are amazing. We look forward to sharing some of them with you.

The Advocacy Award recognises an Australian from the community, the media, or a celebrity who has raised community awareness about the benefits of health and medical research. Which of these amazing people below will join the ranks of the prestigious Advocacy Award alumni including: Dr James O Little AO, Professor Ian Hickie AM, Li Cunxin, Stephen R Leeder, Ita Buttrose AO, OBE, Mark Beretta, Karen Livingstone and Connie Johnson & Sam Johnson

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Big thinking for healthier futures – novel approaches to Data Innovation in HMR

Thank you to all those that nominated their heroes for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations and the stories are amazing. We look forward to sharing some of them with you.

Data Innovation in Health & Medical Research Award is presented to an individual or team that has developed the most innovative method of gathering, making available, processing or interpreting data in a way that advances health and medical research. Individuals and teams from all fields of health and medical research are eligible for nomination, not just those who specialise in the manipulation of data. Innovations that provide new methodologies for research or have increased the availability of data for research are encouraged. This new Award is being presented for the first time in 2016.

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New Poll: Australian’s will share their personal health data if privacy protected

Media Release: Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Some 91 per cent of Australians would be willing to share their de-identified medical data if it went towards research purposes.

That’s just one of the important findings from a Roy Morgan Research poll conducted on behalf of Research Australia as part of their annual national Australia Speaks study.

“What scientists and researchers need is data to develop new treatments and to track changes in the rise and fall of diseases over time,” said Research Australia CEO, Nadia Levin.

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Influencing and collaborating – these clinicians lead research to deliver better outcomes

Thank you to all those that nominated their heroes for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations and the stories are amazing. We look forward to sharing some of them with you.

The Health Services Research Award recognises an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to health services research, provided leadership in health services research, undertaken research that has led to a significant improvement in healthcare, or championed the development of the health services research field. Which of these amazing people below will join the ranks of the prestigious Health Services Research Award alumni including: Prof Robert Sanson-Fisher AO and Prof Jeffrey Braithwaite

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New poll with new message for new Government: Australians want to see medical research prioritised and medical breakthroughs a reality

Media Release: Monday 5 September 2016

A new poll released has revealed 87 per cent of Australians support the Federal Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF).

The Roy Morgan Research poll conducted for Research Australia, also shows 78 per cent of Australians believe the MRFF will lead to better health outcomes.

“It is clear there is significant support for the Medical Research Future Fund and Australians want to see it become a reality,” said CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin.

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Early career researchers make their mark with high impact work

Nominations for the 2016 Research Australia Health & Medical Research Awards are now closed and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that nominated their heroes. 2016 has seen the highest number of nominations for the Awards and the stories are amazing. We look forward to sharing some of them with you.

We start with a small selection of nominations for the Griffith University Discovery Award. This Award recognises an early career researcher (anytime from qualification but no more than 5 years past PhD or research higher degree) whose paper, patent or discovery has already demonstrated its importance or impact.  Which of these amazing people below will join the ranks of the prestigious Discovery Award alumni including: Dr Jeff Holst, Dr Sarah Whittle, Dr Mark S Pearson, Dr Oliver Baumann, Dr Motoko Koyama, Dr Franziska Bieri, Dr Genevieve Healy and Dr Andrew Gardner.

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$1.277 billion transfer for Medical Research Future Fund: Australian Government puts innovation money where its mouth is

Media Release: Friday 26 August 2016

Australian health and medical researchers have welcomed a significant step to secure Australia’s health and medical research future.

The transfer of $1.277 billion to the Medical Research Future Fund Special Account is being read by the sector as words in action.

“This is Prime Minister Turnbull and Health Minister Ley doing exactly what they said they would do – build our health system and build an innovation nation,” said CEO of Research Australia, Nadia Levin.

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